Find reprints of British newspapers articles

Price: Free
License: Open Source
Skill level: 👩‍💻 End-user
Contributor: @EmilyJLB

The Scissors and Paste Database is a collection of manual transcriptions from British newspapers (1789-1850), alongside originals from colonial and American newspapers. It aims to be a central repository of reprinted news across the 19th-Century Anglophone world.

In order to facilitate the discovery of new reprints and reuses, the site also contains the Scissors-and-Paste-o-Meter, which allows users to view possible instances reprints and reuses across multiple digitized newspaper databases. The SAP-o-Meter currently maps reprints with the British Library Newspaper Collection (JISC1, 1800-1900), The Times Digital Archive (1800-1900), The London Gazette (1800-1837) and the National Library of Australia’s Trove (1800-1837).

If you would like to contribute to the database, please contact Dr M. H. Beals at or via Twitter @mhbeals. All data is available CC-BY at
